Social isolation and limiting non-essential contact are critical steps to take right now to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. I would like you to know that the health and safety of you, your families and our community is my top priority. But when you need help with breastfeeding and learning about your new baby, interaction with a professional is also critical. Timing matters and your successful breastfeeding outcomes can't wait until all this is over. With respect to all the health departments' and regulatory agencies' strong recommendations to limit in-person contact right now, Morning Star Moms is temporarily focusing on providing virtual consultations. The support you need is available! I am here for you either by phone or video, so we can still work together to help you reach your breastfeeding goals.
Call me, or send me a contact request through my website so we can discuss the details of a remote consultation, what we will be able to address, and how to set that up.
Phone calls (303.902.9025) are great for discussing topics that are easily described or visualized like:
What to expect with breastfeeding at certain stages
Normal milk supply
Help with increasing/decreasing milk supply
Instructions for pumping, milk storage, feeding plans, weaning
Specific questions you may have
Video consultations are great for all those same topics above as well as:
Wanting to see our faces for best communication
Demonstration of latching or other breastfeeding tips
Evaluation of nipple condition(s), or baby's behavior
Showing me how baby is latching, how pumping is going (evaluate correct flange fit), positioning
Giving demonstrations of any specific actions (like how to support your breast, perform therapeutic massage or hand express your milk
Connecting with another live person outside your home-you are not alone!!
The platform used during video conferencing is provided by Doxy.me, a server designed for health-related teleconferencing. It is HIPPA approved, it's safe (encrypted connection), and has its own BAA (Business Associate Agreement). We do not record our sessions, just as if we were in-person at your home, which allows you to feel relaxed about showing certain body parts during a breastfeeding or pumping session. I will give you easy instructions for accessing my specific link when we schedule an appointment.
Since there are some inherent limitations to our work together via these virtual methods, my typical in-home fee is reduced, and there is no travel fee--even if you live far away! Once the restrictions on face-to-face events are lifted, we can resume in-home consultations as normal. But these other options will remain available to you in the future.
Please know you can reach out and still receive the support you need for the breastfeeding experience you want! We can create connection and peace together through these unusual times.
Dana DeFreece, RN, IBCLC
Morning Star Moms, Inc.